Wednesday, January 2, 2008


There is nothing more romantic then spending a quiet New Year's Eve with a new love!
For Britney Spears, it's her new man, paparazzo Adnan Ghalib, who just happens to be a married man!

While Adnan has recently spent time with Brtiney, she has been unaware he is married man! Which will for sure cause some crazies to come out when she hears the news!

So what's more romantic than spending your NYE with Adnan, your two boys and a court appointed baby monitor! That's right folks, Britney spent New Year's Eve with her latest paparazzo fling Adnan, SPF, her-va-JJ, and the court apointed monitor. Happy New Year! They shared the not-so-intimate night in a hotel room at near Dana Point, Calif.