Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Yes, I Am Pregnant!

"Yes I am. We are. I'm almost four months."
-Nicole Richie tells ABCs Diane Sawyer


She also talks about her recent jail sentence:
"I have a responsibility and it's something that I did wrong, and if I could personally apologize to every single person that has lost a loved one from drunk driving I would. And unfortunately I can't, but this is my way of paying my dues and taking responsibility and being an adult."

I actually love the fact that Nicole Richie is so blunt. She is straight to the point and doesn't bull shit her way around what happened with her DUI or make excuses. I love that she says sorry to the families who have lost loved ones and not to her fans because it seems she is actually doing it for the right reasons and not to smooth things over.

Welcome back to the Hit List Nicole! :)