Friday, July 27, 2007

More Stars Weigh In On Lindsay Lohan

“I think there a lot of people who want to help her out, and it’s a very personal thing. Most people know someone in their lives that’s struggling with a disease like that, and the reality is you can only support them and it’s got to come from them - it’s her choice ultimately. I mean, look, she’s very young, she’s very talented; it’s easy to look from the outside and say, ‘Oh, you have this big opportunity.’ It’s really hard to know that when you’re in the middle of it, and to see life from any other perspective other than your own - particularly when you’re that young. She’s obviously hit a chord with people, because people are so fascinated with her, so everybody’s pulling for her, that’s for sure.”
- Matt Damon

"Unlike other celebrities in the news going to jail, she's actually somebody who has got verifiable talent and actually good at what she does. I'm certainly not going to be seeking her out until she gets her personal life in order. On a business level, most companies aren't going to want to take the chance making a movie with someone who is unreliable. I think eventually, because she is good, she will get around to working again. She's still so young. She's only 21."
-Mark Waters, director of Mean Girls and Freaky Friday

CLICK HERE to read more star opinions of Lindsay Lohan's arrest.