Thursday, July 26, 2007

Stars Weigh In On Lindsay's Situation

"I certainty can't judge ... I support her a million percent, it's not an easy deal, not an easy town." -Christian Slater

"That Sucks!"
-Paris Hilton

“My fear for her is that she’s doing what I did the first several times I went to rehab, and that is you have the gun to your head a little bit.”
-Daniel Baldwin

“It’s okay!”
-Britney Spears

"I think she needs real help, not Promises-type of help with massages and everything. She needs to go to a real place to address her problem. The bottom line is she needs help. She keeps messing up.”
-Jessica Smith

"Maybe it's a blessing in disguise." -James King

“The bottom line is you have to get through the entourages that surround these celebrities who are spinning out of control. They [entourages] don’t want to let it go, this is their meal ticket. I literally disarmed them. Some of them had guns, literally. [As a parent] you get in there and fight for life. You get between her and the grave and you say…I won’t allow it.”-Martin Sheen