Our main man Perez Hilton has been dropped from his server after the use of copyrighted images on his blog got out of hand. His web host then took his site off line but he is back up and running with a different host at the moment!!
Perez is involved in a number of lawsuits for his "alleged theft of photographs".
"One of the things the (Crucial) administrator in Sydney had told us the day before was if they received any more notices -- any claim of copyright infringement -- the site is coming down immediately. The action was taken, in my opinion, to insure Crucial some sort of proof if they were sued, some way to protect themselves. He has a skeleton or temporary situation where he can still post. It has limited inter-activity, his archives are not there and things like that. We've enabled him to continue to do what he does to a limited degree until we can figure how to handle the larger situation."
-Matt Lum, owner of Hoodlum Productions, the L.A.-based company that manages Hilton's site
Poor Perezy!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Perez Hilton
11:16 AM