Amy Winehouse was rejected again from seeing her husband Blake in prison yesterday. Yes, again! This happened to her the day before too.
Wino showed up to the prison around 1pm, but that was too late. Inside sources said, "She begged and pleaded with wardens at the prison but they weren't having any of it. The rules are the rules – if you're late then you're not going to get in. Visitors have to arrive before lunch is served. Clearly Amy didn't drag herself out of bed in time."
Damn girl! You have nothing else going on right now, no tour, no new music, get your ass up and get to jail to visit your husband. You canceled your damn tour for Blake, but you show up after visiting hours? Now, put on that damn red bra and get your ass to the jail on time!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Amy Winehouse
9:37 AM