Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Is Pete Doherty Finally Getting What He Deserves?

Pete Doherty would be unheard of in the US if he hadn't dated Kate Moss and bring her on his downward drug induced spiral. Pete has been arrested numerous times for drug possession (among other things). But for some reason he keeps getting sent back to rehab and not to jail. Well, finally his latest UK judge seems to have had enough.

“What I have in mind is to adjourn the matter for four weeks to assess his motivation. What I have in mind is a community order or prison. If he does not show his motivation it’s prison, as simple as that.”

It was also revealed in court that Petey failed a recent drug test. Shocking! Will this finally mean he will going to jail? I kinda wish he had Paris Hilton's judge. Or at the very least Anna Nicole's crying judge.