Thursday, July 26, 2007


Lindsay was found in the parking lot of the civic center with two male companions with Tarin and her mother in a heated arguement. Police arrived when all parties were out of their vehicles in the parking lot.

When police smelled alcohol on Lindsay she was asked to submit to a field sobriety test, which she failed and was arrested for a DUI, and possession of narcotics 45 minutes later.

The 911 call that Lindsay's former assistant Tarin's mother made has been released. This is the woman who later claimed she was being chased by Lindsay Lohan or someone, she basically had no idea at the time.

In the 911 call you can clearly hear the distressed woman say she is being followed by a "White GMC" but also repeatedly says, "he is following us," numerous times throughout the call and can also be heard talking about looking at this man and asking, "what is he doing?"

The good thing for LL is there is NO PROOF of her driving this white SUV and this tape could be very good news for Blair Berk, Lindsay's lawyer! Lindsay is due in court August 24th for her pending DUI charges and the current DUI charges. However, this tape could keep Lindsay out of jail. If she is only charged with possession of a class A substance and her previous DUI, she is likely to end up with community service or house arrest.

CLICK HERE to listen to the 911 tape.

PS: This woman is so freaking annoying! Answer the man's questions you bitch! She is the worst 911 caller ever!

Here is Lindsay and her former assistant Tarin, days before her arrest.