Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Lindsay Cameo On THE HILLS?

"Lindsay cameo on The Hills? We all know Lauren could use some more drama in her life now that Heidi is off becoming a media whore with her freak of a boyfriend. Lindsay was seen at a party talking to Lauren Conrad and her very tall,blond co-Teen Vogue intern Whitney. The girls may actually be a good influence on Linds. I mean they are both students (well Lauren may have stopped because she has been given her own clothing line which was why she was in school) and they both have semi-normal jobs. They are sortuv on the normal end of the celebrity spectrum which by no means is ordinary but they are no where near the level of LaLohan. A few months out of the year they just happen to have their every move documented for the enjoyment of others. That is pretty much Lindsay's whole life."