Tuesday, July 10, 2007


“All of the going out he did after we broke up sort of shocked me. Like, that’s just so out of character for him, and when we were together, he hated stuff like that, so I felt like I didn’t really know him as well as I thought I did. I still want the cookie-cutter American dream - to get married, have kids, and have a house with a picket fence. I still believe that marriage can work.”

"With the amount of time that we had invested in each other, I felt disrespected that he moved on so quickly…But some people don’t want to deal with how they feel, so they cover it up. Rebound! I shouldn’t say that. You know what, though? Now I don’t care.”

-Hilary Duff to Seventeen Magazine

Aww I feel bad for Hil. But at least she seems over it now... lol she definitely just said REBOUND! I wonder if Nicole will rip her hair out! But you know, she sort of did the same thing Joel did...so I don't really know what she is saying...after they broke up she was out partying all the time, even more so than Joel was! Maybe she wasn't out getting knocked up but we can only hope she finds that rebound! I know she will find some hotness and get knocked-up too, don't worry Hil, your time will come!