Friday, June 1, 2007

Star Magazine Scandal

Radar Online did a little digging and found that Star Magazine blatantly photoshopped the cover of a recent Jen image to appear as if she was shopping around a manuscript for a tell-all book.

"But hang on-maybe Jen's not really writing a book? In which case, maybe Star's cover actually shows something else-say, Aniston attending an auction, holding an art catalog from Los Angeles Modern Auctions? And maybe Star simply airbrushed out the cover of the catalog, along with a pair of sunglasses she was holding, for good measure?...

Asked about the manipulation, an AMI spokesperson said,
"Every magazine in this category chooses cover photos that best describe the story."

Wow! This really sucks for Star. Their well respected and good name is now tarnished. The only magazine left now that I truly go to for the facts is The National Enquirer. I hope they can bounce back from this! Until then, enjoy these pictures. It's like the game find what's missing!