Thursday, June 14, 2007

A Mighty Heart Only.. No Brangelina

At the premiere for Angelina Jolie's new movie A Mighty Heart Angie had a contract drawn up for media to sign before she would grant them an interview. Some of the terms are as follows:

No questions regarding her personal relationships
In the event Interviewer does ask Ms. Jolie any questions regarding her personal relationships, Ms. Jolie will have the right to immediately terminate the interview and leave
The interview may only be used to promote the Picture. In no event may Interviewer or Media Outlet be entitled to run all or any portion of the interview in connection with any other story
The interview will not be used in a manner that is disparaging, demeaning, or derogatory to Ms. Jolie
The tape of the interview will not be released to Interviewer if any of the aforementioned things happened

Several members of the media cancelled there coverage of the event.