Thursday, May 24, 2007

Proof that Spencer is The Best Boyfriend EVER!

Heidi's face right here is saying "Spencer is the best. Just look at him put me on his shoulders. That is because he loves me like nobody else can. He tells me that every day. He is so considerate and thoughtful. People used to call me all the time and it was so annoying. So Spencer, because he is the best, now answers all my calls and only tells me about them when they are important. And he reads all my mail for me. I am like a princess. Princess Heidi! He even hired a photographer to take pictures of us to document our love to the world. I can't live without him. Really!"

And the look on Spencer's face "How much longer do I have to put up with this dumb broad to keep myself in USWeekly and LEAVE UM ALOHAN"