Friday, May 4, 2007

Now An Excerpt From TOMCAT


"It burns my soul – I see her in the house with Tom; he doesn't have that on her! It kills me. 'Tom's this monster and he's got her chained up in the basement and he's forcing Scientology down her throat' – it's bulls---. Let me tell you: Kate ain't no little wimpy kitty cat. It's not that ballgame. For real.

I see how protective she is over her family and her husband. She gets fired up. When she gets to that mode, it makes me step back. I was like, 'Okay!' And Tom looks at me and goes, 'See? See? Did you see that?' And I go, "Yeah, I saw that – hell yeah.' It amazes me. She's got a quiet thunder. When she walks into a room, or you see her in a magazine – it's a thunder that people are attracted to. It's quiet and it's very subtle, but it's extremely powerful."

This book sucks! Honestly, I would be happy to never had heard it! The worst part is it's totally fiction! You know damn well that Tom chained that Ho up in the basement and shoved it down her throat. She could have came up with another analogy for that part at least. This is less realistic than A Million Little Pieces. Can't wait til this bitch has to go on Opera and tell everyone that she made this all up!

I am so sick of hearing about Scientology! No one cares.