Wednesday, May 2, 2007

And... the comeback is on hiatus!

LOL Does she really think this is sexy?
After the good reviews from last nights performance, this must have been a strategically time released sabotage from some evil friend.

But I mean honestly, what is that? What is going on here?

It's like she said, "Hey YA'LL, I'm gunna take off my Forever 21 top, hold up some daisys and drape some toilet paper over my vagina, that way I won't expose the little bitch again."
Totally can see her saying that, BUT WHAT PERSON in their right mind would say " Yeah, totally, you look great, lets capture this moment and save it forever!"

I'm surprised she stopped chewing her gum that long to pose and smile!!

But good luck with the comeback, it is coming along nicely!